Saint David Catholic Church
Reverend Ryan Saunders - Administrator
Email: pastor@saintdavid.org
Reverend Hans Paul Chamorro - Parochial Vicar
Reverend Joseph Kottayil - In Residence
Paula MacGraw - Office Manager
Elizabeth Fedelim - Administrative Assistant, Bereavement
Cherry Wasteney - Sunday Receptionist
Paulette Vitale - Human Resources, Virtus, Annulments
Patti Malinowski - Sacristan, Wedding Coordinator
Monday - Friday: 7:00am-3:00pm
Closed for lunch: 11:30am-12:30pm
Sunday: 7:30am-1:30pm
1st thru 8th:
Char-Lea Gutierrez - CCD Coordinator
Paula MacGraw - Administrative Assistant
20's - 30's
Marta Vargas - Coord. Young Adult & Campus Ministry
For full screen viewing:
Click the Vimeo icon on the bottom
Right-hand corner of the video screen, Then click the icon for full screen Viewing on the bottom right corner.
Mass Times
(In church & online)
(Mon-Fri) 8:00 am
(Sat) 9:00 am
Saturday 5:00 pm Vigil Mass (in church only)
Sunday 8:00 am (in church only)
Sunday 10:00 am
Sunday 12:00 pm (in church only)
From the desk of Father Ryan
The Daily Rosary
The Rosary is said daily
Monday through Friday at 7:30am
prior to the 8:00am Mass and
on Saturday at 8:30am
prior to the 9:00am Mass.
Fr. Ryan, Fr. Hans, Fr. Joseph
& the Saint David Church Staff
Would like to wish you & your families a very blessed &
Happy New Year!
Please join us for our next meeting on
Wednesday January 22nd
at 5:30pm
in the Parish Hall
Commemorative Albums are here!
Pick up in the Church Office
Monday - Friday: 7am - 3pm
Sunday: 7am - 1pm
All couples married in the Catholic Church celebrating their Paper (1 year), Silver (25 year), Gold (50 year) or longer Wedding Anniversary in 2025 are invited to come to a Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral on Saturday February 15th to receive a blessing from Archbishop Thomas Wenski.
The Mass is at 5:30pm however, couples wishing to have their pictures taken with Archbishop Wenski should arrive by 4pm. St. Mary's Cathedral is located at 7525 NW 2nd Avenue in Miami FL 33150.
Registration is required. Click on the link below to register or email Claudia Shaw. Her phone number is 305-762-1128.
Tickets are available in the Church Office
In this Jubilee Year, we are all invited to serve as pilgrims of hope and develop a deeper connection with our faith, anchored in hope and lived out in charity. Hope, like faith, is not an attitude or opinion, but is a special gift from the Holy Spirit that is vital in our lives.
For us Catholics, Jesus is our hope (Romans 5:5). The upcoming ABCD Campaign is one way we can bring hope to others and help them to experience the transformative love of Christ.
Please prayerfully consider opening your hearts in support of the ABCD and make a gift of hope today. A world without God is a world without hope, and a world without hope is a world without a future. We must unite to bring hope and the love of Christ to people - no matter who they are or where they live! Every gift makes a difference. Please donate to the 2025 ABCD campaign. Thank you and God bless.
Saint David Men's Club
The Saint David Men's Club meets on the first Thursday of the month at 7:30pm in the Room 202 above the Parish Hall. Check out just a sampling of what the Men's Club has to offer by clicking here!
Saint David Women's Club
The Saint David Women's Club meets on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. For just a little bit of what the Women's Club is all about click here!
Saturdays @ 4pm
In the church
By appointment
Call the Parish Office
Please join us on the First Friday of the month for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament immediately following the 8am Mass. Adoration is from 8:30am-9:30am.
The next adoration will be on
Friday February 7th
What are the special talents that you have? Do you have a friendly personality that would be great at greeting parishioners at the Masses as an Usher? Or maybe you would like to distribute the Holy Eucharist at Mass or to the Homebound as a Eucharistic Minister? Or maybe you would be a great lector?
High Schoolers and 8th Grade Students:
We are in need of volunteers for the Slide Projection during the weekend Masses. This is a great way for you to get your service hours. Contact Elizabeth in the church office.
Please contact the church office at 954-475-8046 for details on how you can get involved in one of the ministries at Saint David. Send an email to Elizabeth Fedelim by clicking below:
Alpha is a series of dinner conversations about life's biggest questions in a fun and welcoming atmosphere. Sign up for updates or even better join to get first peeks at what's coming while being part of the planning. Please contact Marta Vargas for more information.
Join us for...
Coffee & Donuts
After the 8am & 10am
Sunday Masses in the Gazebo
Meet fellow parishioners &
make new friends!
The National Eucharistic Revival, which launched on the feast of Corpus Christi in 2022, has a mission to "renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist." Sponsored by the U.S. Catholic bishops, the revival aims to inspire people to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist.
During the week of July 17-21, 2024, the Catholic Church in the United States made history when Catholics from around our nation gathered in Indianapolis, Indiana for the First National Eucharistic Congress in 83 years. It proved to be a pivotal moment in both American history and the legacy of the Catholic Church that brought tens of thousands of pilgrims together in a singular focus - THE EUCHARIST!
In a society where the Lord is often forgotten and even a majority of Catholics do not believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the revival is meant to rededicate the entire nation to the Eucharistic Jesus.
For more information on the National Eucharistic Congress, click on the link below.
Am I an "active member " of Saint David Parish? With graduation from Saint David Catholic School right around the corner, many of the students will be continuing their Catholic education at a local Catholic High School. As active Catholics, you are eligible for tuition discounts. In order to be considered an active, participating member of the parish and thus eligible for this reduced tuition rate, Saint David Catholic Church takes into account a family's or individual's Mass attendance as well as their ministry involvement.
Since weekly offertory envelopes are the primary means of determining if parishioners are regularly attending Mass, we ask you to place your envelopes in the collection box each Sunday even if you cannot make a monetary contribution. Online donating is also a convenient option for parishioners. This can be done using the link at the top of the website. Attendance at Mass is the most meaningful way we model and live our Catholic faith.
Registration can be done by using the online link also located at the top of the website or in the Parish Office. You may also be asked to be a sacramental sponsor. You must be a registered, contributing member for at least 3 months before a certificate of eligibility can be provided.
We would love to have you as a member of the Saint David Parish Family. Please contact the Parish Office should you have any questions at 954-475-8046. Thank you and God Bless.
Visit the Respect Life Tab at the top of the website for more information on Respect Life Ministry
2024 Appeal
For those of you that are involved in any of the ministries here at Saint David Church, remember that Virtus Training & Fingerprinting are required. If you are Virtus Trained please log into your account and be sure that you are up to date on your monthly bulletins. If you are fingerprinted, please be certain that your fingerprints have not expired. Contact Elizabeth Fedelim or Paulette Vitale in the church office if you have any questions or concerns.
If you need to be Virtus Trained or Fingerprinted, please contact the church office at 954-475-8046 or send an email to Elizabeth Fedelim or Paulette Vitale.
Thank you for all that you do for the Saint David Parish Community. God Bless.
Prison Ministry teaches deep spiritual lessons, such as how to forgive, how to restore, and how to really pray. It also teaches very practical lessons about listening, patience, cross-cultural communication, and theological diversity among Christians.
If you would like to be a part of Prison Ministry, please contact the church office at 954-475-8046 or send an email to Elizabeth.
The Bells Choir
of the Marian Center
Plays at St. Patrick Cathedral
New York City
On April 3, 2024, The Bells Choir of the Marian Center travelled to NYC to play at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Click on the link below to watch them perform!
Thank you to everyone who supported their trip. We are so proud of you!
Catholic Charities' Unaccompanied Refugee Minor Program is looking for adults to become foster parents to refugee minors.
Requirements include the following:
Be at least 21 yrs. old
Provide adequate bedroom space & bed for each child
Have reliable transportation
Participate in a 30-hr free training
Undergo a complete background check
Meet basic resources to support household
Catholic Charities provides 24-hour case management, monthly stipend to help with the care of the refugee minor or youth, continuing education and more. For more information, call 305-883-3383.
Our Lady of Florida Retreat Center
North Palm Beach
Days of Reflection &
Retreats for 2024
Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center is a monastery and retreat house belonging to the Congregation of the Passion (C.P.). The Congregation of the Passion, or Passionists, are a religious congregation of the Catholic Church founded by St. Paul of the Cross in 1725. The mission of the Passionists is to preserve and make present the message that Jesus loves us, and his passion, death and resurrection are the ultimate sign of that love. The Passionists do this by preaching in the community and inviting members of the community to make a retreat at their monasteries and retreat homes. To learn more about Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center, click on the link below.
Guest House provides information, education, treatment and care needed to assure that Catholic clergy, men and women religious, and seminarians suffering from alcoholism, addictions, and other behavioral health conditions have the best opportunity for quality recovery and overall health and wellness.
Guest House is located in Lake Orion, MI and treats Catholic clergy and religious from across the United States and around the world. Although Guest House does bill for the services and treatments provided, each year more than one million dollars of uncompensated care is provided to those in need, no one has ever been turned away. There is a great need for the support of the lay faithful to be able to fulfill the commitment each year to provide the care needed for the clergy and religious.
Additional information regarding the mission and ministry of Guest House can be found by visiting the website.
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